The Treasurer Department of Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad holds the distinguished position of being responsible for the financial health of the University. As per University Act promulgated in the year 1974. Treasurer Department has the mandate to manage the property, the finances, and investments of the university. The department prepares the annual and revised budget estimates of the university and present the same before the Finance Committee for its recommendation and get it approved from the Executive Council. The department has the further responsibility to ensure that the funds of the University are spent on the purpose for which they were provided.
Sections of Treasurer Department
The work of Treasurer Department is divided into eight different sections. These sections with summary activities are as under:
- Budget Section: This section prepares annual and revised budget estimates of the University. Budget reappropriations, submission of quarterly expenditure reports to HEC, Coordination with HEC regarding release of grants are also included in the responsibilities of budget section.
- Receipt Section: This section deals with all types of receipts received from students and other than students. This section has close coordination with the team of Campus Management System (CMS) regarding currently employed CMS in the university. Fee refund to the students is also included in the assignments of Receipts Section.
- Approval Processing Section (APS): Payments claims like T/A D/A, medical reimbursement, transfer grants, procurements, civil works etc. are processed in this section.
- Salary Section: Claims pertaining to pay & allowances of all types of employees including contract employees are dealt in this section.
- Fund Section: This section deals with General Provident Fund (GPF), benevolent fund, marriage grants, loan & advances, investments and pension of retired employees.
- Central Payment Section (CPS): This section deals all types of payments except payments related to regions. Most of the payments are being made through cheques and bank authorities.
- Regional Payment Section (RPS): All the matters related to around 54 regions of the university are dealt through this section. Specifically, payments related to tutors, resources persons, examination remuneration, petty cash to regions are made from this section.
- Special Project Section (SPS): Matters related to all types of projects are dealt through this section. The management of different schemes of students support funds is also the responsibility of this section
The major functions of the Treasurer Department are:
- to develop and enforce strong internal and financial management policies.
- to ensure accurate and complete financial reporting and maintenance of financial records in line with international financial reporting standards.
- to ensure required level of liquidity to run the routine operations of the university.
- to ensure regular assessment of risks and strategies to mitigate such risks to save the university from outward situation.
- to ensure enough cash flows are available to cater for the financial challenges of the university in the changing financial conditions.
Contact Details
Treasurer Office
Mr Riaz Hussain